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The Seven Sacraments of the Church

ሰባቱ ሚስጥራተ ቤተ ክርስቲያን)

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church serves the faithful through the seven sacraments. These sacraments are called mysteries because the invisible grace of the Holy Spirit is granted through them.

The seven sacraments are:-

  1. Baptism (ሚስጥረ ጥምቀት)
  2. Confirmation (Myron) (ሚስጥረ ሜሮን)
  3. Holy Communion (ሚስጥረ ቁርባን)
  4. Ordination (ሚስጥረ ክህነት)
  5. Matrimony (ሚስጥረ ተክሊል)
  6. Penance (ሚስጥረ ንስሀ)
  7. Unction of the Sick (ሚስጥረ ቀንዲል)

The Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, taking the example of pillars as it has been said in the Proverbs of Solomon as a starting point, teaches that there are seven sacraments (Proverbs 9:1). Six of the seven sacraments can be performed by a bishop and a priest while Ordination is conferred by a bishop only.


1. Baptism (ሚስጥረ ጥምቀት)

Baptism is the sacrament through which we are reborn and enter the Kingdom of God. (Jn. 3:5). Baptism has a Biblical basis (Mt. 28: 19-20). Through Baptism, sin is forgiven (Acts 2:8). Cleansing and blessing are attained through Baptism. (1Pet. 3:21; Tit. 3:5-6).In our church, we baptize children. In the Old Testament, children were considered as people of the covenant after circumcision. In the New Testament, children are baptized in infancy and become members of the family of Our Lord and Savior, Eyesus Christos. God has never isolated children from His grace. For example, Jeremiah was blessed while he was in his mother’s womb. (Jer. 1:5). John the Baptist was likewise filled with the Holy Spirit while in the womb of his mother (Lk. 1:15).

Our Lord and Savior, Eyesus Christos, during the period of His teaching, has blessed children. This shows that the age of children does not prevent them from being brought to God (Mt. 19:13-15; Mk.10:13-15; Lk. 18: 15-17; Acts 16:33; 1Cor. 1:16). In the practice of our Church, a boy is baptized on the fortieth day after birth and a girl on the eightieth day after birth. In the Old Testament, males entered the house of God forty days after birth. Females also entered the house of God eighty days after birth (Lev.12:15, Lk. 2:21-24). Since children cannot confess their faith, a godfather and a godmother are assigned to them, respectively. Baptism is done by dipping and sprinkling. (Mt. 28:19-20). Those martyrs who shed their blood in martyrdom are considered as having been baptized by their blood (Mt. 10:32, 16:25). 

Order of Baptism

It is performed in a baptismal lake (river), which is deep enough for immersion. If sufficient water is not available in a church courtyard, a pond with a wide basin is constructed, which can immerse the whole body. Where water is not found to immerse the whole body, the available water is taken in three handfuls or in a cup and sprinkled over the whole body (Didas. 34, Fetha Negest Article 3). After completing the prayer, the priest makes the baptized person bow in the four directions by saying, “I make you bow down to the Father, I make you bow down to the Son, I make you bow down to the Holy Spirit.” I baptize you in the name of the Father, I baptize you in the name of the Son, and I baptize you in the name of the Holy Spirit, so saying he baptizes him/her. (Mt. 28:19-20). Before baptism, the hair is shaved, and clothes are taken off. Immediately after Baptism, he/she is blessed and receives the Holy Communion, which is the culmination of the sacraments. 

  • If the one baptized is an adult, he is made to receive basic religious education (Catechism) and is baptized after accepting and believing in the teaching. 
  • Males can only be godfathers to males, and females can only be godmothers to females (Fetha Negest 3: Dida.34; Nic. 24) 
  • If any unbaptized person is seriously ill and his life is endangered, he can be baptized before finishing the basic religious education. 
  • If the ones to be baptized are grownups and can pray, they recite the creed. 
  • If the ones to be baptized are children, their godfathers and godmothers promise to teach and cultivate them spiritually. 
  • Children born of Christian families are baptized after forty days if male and eighty days if female. However, age is not restricted if the person believes in salvation in Our Lord and Savior Eyesus Christos. 
  • Baptism is in the name of the Trinity (Mt. 28:19). 
  • Baptism is not repeated for one person (Rom 6:3-4;Eph. 4:4-7).
  • Baptism is by water only (Fetha Negest 3: Jn. 3:5).
  • After his/her baptism, a cord (Mateb –ማዕተብ) is put around his/her neck. This is the sign or identification of Christians and a guard against evil spirits. 
  • During baptism, the candidate would be given a baptismal name (የክርስትና ስም– Yekirisitina Sim).

Baptism symbolizes the death and burial of Our Lord and Savior Eyesus Christos. The resemblance of death and burial is the partaking of death and resurrection of Our Lord and Savior Eyesus Christos (Didas. 34; Rom.6:5-6). Furthermore, Baptism is performed according to the Book of Baptism and Fetha Negest.

2. Confirmation (Myron) (ሚስጥረ ሜሮን)

It is the holy ointment, which is anointed after baptism. Confirmation, like Baptism, is performed once and cannot be repeated. Through the sacrament of confirmation, the believer is granted the gift of the Holy Spirit. In the Apostolic times, the baptized person was granted the Holy Spirit by the laying of the hands. (Acts 20:14-17). When the church expanded, however, the bishops who continued the Apostles’ works permitted the replacement of the laying of hands by the anointing of the Holy Oil. The gift of the Holy Spirit with Myron, confirmation, has a Biblical foundation. The believer is anointed with the Holy Oil immediately after Baptism. When the Apostles baptized children and grownups, the baptized person was granted the gift of the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:14-17;19:5-6). Children should be anointed with Myron as soon as they are baptized to receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. The Bible confirms that, let alone after birth, there were children who were granted the Holy Spirit while they were still in the wombs of their mothers. (Lk. 1:15; Jer. 1:1-8). The right to anoint was originally confined to the Apostles but later passed on to bishops, and then priests were also authorized to administer the sacrament.

3. Holy Communion (ሚስጥረ ቁርባን)

Holy Communion is the culmination of all sacraments of the Church. Holy Communion means offering of sacrifice. This is not an offering of man to God but the offering of God for man. The sheep and goats were offered as sacrifices at the altars during the Old Testament. However, these were preceding examples of the offering of the flesh and blood of Our Lord and Savior, Eyesus Christos, during the New Testament. The offering of bread and cup of grace which Melchizedek offered to Abraham (Gen. 14:18) and the sacrifices which the Israelites offered during the day of their liberation exemplify Our Lord and Savior Eyesus Christos, our Pascal lamb. Holy Communion has a Biblical foundation (Mt. 26:26; 1 Cor. 11:23-25). When the priest puts the bread on the paten and the wine in the chalice and conducts liturgical prayer, the bread is changed into the body of the Son of God and the wine into the blood of the Son of God. What is thus given in our Church is the body and blood of the Son of God. When the priest administers the body, the deacon administers the blood with a cross-spoon (እርፈ መስቀል – Irife mesikeli). Due to sickness, those who cannot come to the Church receive the Holy Communion in their homes during liturgical service. The Holy Communion has to be administered on the same day; it cannot be spared for another time. Holy Communion should be taken after abstinence from food for at least fifteen hours. According to the doctrine of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church, the Holy Communion is the real body and blood of Our Lord and Savior, Eyesus Christos. (Jn. 6:51, 52, 53, 55). Like the other sacraments, the Holy Communion was originally performed by the bishops who succeeded the Apostles, but as the church expanded, they authorized the priests to perform the sacrament. The deacons assist the bishops and the priests. The believers who have examined and cleansed themselves through penance can receive the Holy Communion. But those who have not cleansed themselves through penance, even if they receive the Holy Communion unworthily, it will bring damnation upon them. (1 Cor. 11:28-29; Liturgy of John Chrysostom).

4. Ordination (ሚስጥረ ክህነት)

This is the sacrament through which the clergy are entitled to perform the various services of the church. This sacrament has Biblical basis.(Mt. 28:19-20; Eph. 4:11; Acts 26:20).There are three hierarchical ranks of Ordination. These are deacon, priest and bishop.

Deacon (ዲያቆን)
  • The duty of the deacons is to assist priests and bishops.
  • After getting a priesthood education and marriage, Deacons are ordained to become priests. But if Deacons wish to be ordained as monk priests, they have to remain celibate.
  • Deacons are ordained by bishops
  • In our Church, ranks under the deacon hood qualify one to serve the church. These ranks are conferred through blessing, not by the laying of hands.
  • No payment is made for receiving any of the Ordinations. (Acts 8:18-26).
  • Ordination is not attained through inheritance but through a calling of the Holy Spirit and in accordance with the canons of the Church.

Priest (ካህን – Kahini)

The order of priesthood is conferred either after marriage or after becoming a monk. He can perform all the sacraments except, conferring Ordination, consecration of the Holy Oil used for sacrament of confirmation, consecration of the altar, the Ark of the Covenant, new church and new vessels. If he becomes a priest in celibacy, he can attain the rank of bishop, but if he is married, he will be limited to the rank of priesthood. A priest is ordained by the laying of hands and the breath of a bishop.

Bishop (ጳጳስ – Papasi)

This rank is conferred on a clergy who has restricted himself in celibacy. He is consecrated by all the members of the Holy Synod but in times of difficulties, he is consecrated by the laying of hands and breathe of at least two bishops. Besides administering all the sacraments of the Church, he is a church leader and an overseer of the general affairs of the Church. Those who are ordained as bishops must fulfill the following requirements. They should be:

  • Of good health
  • Well-educated to defend and profess their faith
  • Of exemplary behavior

Ordination is not repeated or renewed. Both those who are reordained or are re-ordained are de-consecrated from their ordination. (Canon of the Apostles 68). Our Lord and Savior, Eyesus Christos, chose a certain number of persons for the Holy Ordination. (Lk. 6:12, 13: Jn. 20: 19-25). He also gave them special authority, which was not given to others. (Mt. 18:18). Before His ascension, Our Lord and Savior, Eyesus Christos, promised them that He would always be with them to the end of the world. (Mt. 28:20). He also appointed them with all ranks. (Lk. 24:51). When Judas left his apostolic ministry, the Apostles held a Synodical Meeting and chose Mathias as a replacement. (Acts 1:15-26).

5. Holy Matrimony (ሚስጥረ ተክሊል)

Christian marriage is one of the seven sacraments that are performed in a church through which the grace of the Holy Spirit is obtained. Holy Matrimony is based on the Bible. (Gen 1:27, 2:18; Mt 19:4-6). The Canon of the Church requires that before matrimony is effected, the following conditions should be met:

  • Both couples should be Christian to obtain the grace of God.
  • Both should belong to the Orthodox Tewahedo Church. If one of them is not a member, he/she should first become one.
  • No pre-marital sexual relationship is permitted.
  • Both should consent to be united in marriage.
  • No marriage is allowed within seven generations not to break the rule of kinship that forbids marriage between close family relations. (Lev. 18:6-21; Deut. 7:3-4).
  • As the marriage of Christians epitomizes the unity between Our Lord and Savior Eyesus Christos and the Church, it shall not be broken. (Eph. 5:32).
  • In our Church, only one-to-one marriage is allowed.
  • Re-marriage cannot be conducted by any one of the two partners unless the divorce is effected because of adultery or one of the partners dies. (Mt. 19:6-9).
  • The Sacrament of Matrimony is celebrated by bishops and priests.
  • Matrimony is not performed without Holy Communion. (Fetha Negest Article 24:899).
  • Parents should be consulted, and their consent should be secured.

6. Mystery of Penance (ሚስጥረ ንስሀ)

Penance means to feel remorse, repent, and cleanse oneself from sin. Although Christians are reborn through Baptism, men are liable to commit sins. Therefore,Every Christian should have a father confessor (soul-father) (የንስሀ አባት-Yenisiha Abati). Everyone should go to the father-confessor and confess his/her sins. (Lev. 14:31, Mt. 8:4; Faith of Fathers Hai. Ab.59:20). Those who confess their sins and return to God receive God’s grace; by receiving the Holy Communion, they will enter their former place of honor. Confessions and remissions are performed only by bishops or priests. Penance is based on the Bible. (Mt. 16:19; 8:4). The confession of the penitent made in front of the father-confessor and the tears shed for the sins committed will enable them to be rejuvenated by the Holy Spirit. (Liturgy of Athanasius). Penance is one of the Sacraments that are repeated. The main objectives of the teachings starting from John the Baptist, Our Lord and Savior Eyesus Christos Himself and his disciples and their successors is to enable people to inherit the kingdom of God through repentance, “repent ye: for the Kingdom of God is at hand.” Based on this truth, the Church teaches the need and virtue of Penance. (Mt. 3:1-2, 4:17; Zach. 1:3).

7. Unction of the Sick (ሚስጥረ ቀንዲል)

It is one of the Seven Sacraments of the Church. It is an anointment administered to the sick. It has a Biblical origin and is administered by bishops and priests. (Mk. 6:13; Jas.5:13-15). In our Church, since Unction is proffered to cleanse sins of the flesh and of the soul, Unction is administered to one afflicted by sin. Unction is performed by bishops and priests. Each of the Seven Sacraments has its own book of prayer and system of application. 

The Seven Sacraments are considered manifestations of the faith and tenets of the religion of the Church.


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    Ashton Porter
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  • Post Author
    Ashton Porter
    Posted January 2, 2025 at 5:34 pm

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